Influence of Metal and Ceramic Abutments on the Stress Distribution Around Narrow Implants

Surpreenda-se com o futuro!

Single restorations and fixed implant-supported dental prosthesis have become a wellaccepted treatment option for the rehabilitation of partially or completely edentulous patients. The literature has reported excellent long-term survival rates for different types of implantsupported prostheses, especially in cases of rehabilitation of single tooth losses.1,2
The replacement of single teeth in the anterior region presents the dentist with a most challenging situation. In these cases, the placement of osseointegrated implants for prosthetic rehabilitation is a feasible alternative and has been successfully described in the literature.3,4


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2021 - Systhex Sistemas de Implantes Ósseo Integrado Ltda | Desenvolvido Nórtico Comunicação

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