Maxillary Ridge Augmentation Joms Gustavo Holtz Systhex

The present investigation clinically and histologically evaluated the use of fresh-frozen bone in the reconstruction of maxillary alveolar ridges to confirm the effective bone fill and support for the placement of dental implants. Download PDF
Influence of Metal and Ceramic Abutments on the Stress Distribution Around Narrow Implants

Single restorations and fixed implant-supported dental prosthesis have become a wellaccepted treatment option for the rehabilitation of partially or completely edentulous patients. The literature has reported excellent long-term survival rates for different types of implantsupported prostheses, especially in cases of rehabilitation of single tooth losses.1,2 The replacement of single teeth in the anterior region presents […]
Oral Rehabilitation in Mandibula Implants Biomateria Split Crest

In this study the patient had a lack of thickness in the left mandibular region, split-crest technique was chosen in order to increase thickness using a nanobiomaterial (Blue Bone, Regener Biomaterial, Curitiba, Brazil). After five months, a new tomography has been made and the use of Morse Cone implants (Avantt, Systhex, Curitiba, Brazil) was selected […]
Carga Precoce Instalação da Cerâmica 28 dias

Carga Precoce – Instalação da Cerâmica em 28 dias. Dr. Gastão Valle Nicolau Download PDF
Histological and Immunohistochemical Analysis of a Nanobiomaterial in a Maxillary Sinus Lift Surgery

The objective of this study was to histologically and immunologically analyze the level of bone substitution and the presence of new blood vessels in a nanobiomaterial composed of hydroxyapatite and BTCP in a maxillary sinus lift surgery. A case of a maxillary sinus lift was investigated. The patient had a 1.0 mm bone remnant on […]
Use of Extra-Narrow-Diameter Implants in Reduced Alveolar Ridge

Narrow-diameter implants (3.0 – 3.5 mm range) have been introduced for the replacement of teeth with insufficient bone structure and/or limited mesiodistal or interimplant spaces, and appear to offer clinical results similar to those obtained with implants of greater diameter. Studies using extra-narrow-diameter implants (2.8 mm) are scarce. Download PDF
Avaliacao Retrospectiva Taxa de Sobrevida Implantes
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar retrospectivamente a taxa de sobrevivência de implantes dentários osseointegráveis, com período médio de observação de 20 meses após a instalação das próteses. -Dr. Antonio Trevisani Download PDF
Attract e Attract TS Dr Igor Brum

The technique proved to be clinically effective for esthetic edentulous areas and showed significant predictability of results. Throughout the follow-up, the stability of the hard and soft tissue had been observed. Download PDF
Partial Extraction Therapy in Implant – Socket-Shield Technique

Currently, the concern with how to preserve the gingival architecture and maintain the pink aesthetic in rehabilitation with dental implants has been increasingly present. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the effectiveness of the socket-shield technique in the tissue repair process, maintaining the gingival and bone architecture, comparing it with other guided regeneration […]
Evaluacion Del Nivel Óseo Perimplantario en Implantes Cortos

Tengo el agrado de dirigirme a Ud. Para hacer de su conocimiento el informe final del ESTUDIO PERDIDA OSEA VERTICAL EN IMPLANTES CORTOS CON CONEXIÓN INTERNA Y CONEXIÓN EXTERNA SWITCHING PLATFORM LUEGO DE UN AÑO DE CARGA. Que comprende lo siguiente: Download