Minimally Invasive Surgery for Horizontal Ridge Augmentation

Surpreenda-se com o futuro!

After dental extraction, the process of resorption of the alveolar process begins. After 90 days, resorption of the buccal bone plate occurs in the alveoli filled only with coagulated blood, despite the existing bone formation, causing a significant loss of volume [1, 2, 3]. This loss of volume causes a bone defect, preventing the placement of implants in favorable positions, impairingthe function of the teeth, and subsequently compromising the final cosmetic result [4, 5, 6]. Therefore, procedures may be necessary to correct the defects caused by resorption in the alveolar ridge.


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2021 - Systhex Sistemas de Implantes Ósseo Integrado Ltda | Desenvolvido Nórtico Comunicação

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