Partial Extraction Therapy in Implant – Socket-Shield Technique

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Currently, the concern with how to preserve the gingival architecture and maintain the pink aesthetic in rehabilitation with dental implants has been increasingly present. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the effectiveness of the socket-shield technique in the tissue repair process, maintaining the gingival and bone architecture, comparing it with other guided regeneration techniques.
Case report: the selected case presents loss of elements 11 and 21, without apical lesion and with endodontic treatment, the buccal walls of the elements were maintained, cone morse type dental implants were placed of the company systhex® and the gap grafted with alloplastic biomaterial. Results: Both implants were osseointegrated without any histological inflammatory reaction and the dental fragments did not present any resorption process. The buccal wall maintained the tissue structure contributing to the aesthetics and maintenance of the patient’s gingival profile. In addition it avoided two surgical moments as described in more invasive techniques of guided bone regeneration.




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2021 - Systhex Sistemas de Implantes Ósseo Integrado Ltda | Desenvolvido Nórtico Comunicação

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